【Guilty Nightmare Project】Nightmare × sisters ~ obscene sacrifice ~ / Nightmare × sisters ~ obscene hell of the sakrifice ~ Chinese version

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Title:Nightmare × sisters ~ obscene sacrifice ~ / Nightmare × sisters ~ obscene hell of the sakrifice ~ Chinese version
Maker:Guilty Nightmare Project
Release date:2021/05/28
Genre:シスター, Lingshame, restraint, Rape, hugebreasts/explodingbreasts

※This work is the formula Chinese version of [Nightmare×sisters ~淫獄のサクリファイス~].
The content of the work is VJ013237 and the same de guise in the language of the guise is in Chinese.

The main character, Kami-do Shana, is usually a female student at school.
After school and on days off, she lives with her older sister, Yogo, as a nun.

However, unlike ordinary nuns, there is a double body.
That is, the body of a voodoo demon, in addition to the demon that mixes with darkness and possesses people.

Recently the rate of appearance of the devil has increased, thinking that it is not an ominous sign
Sister Yogo was then imprisoned and disappeared by unknown characters.

He is looking for Yogo’s whereabouts together with his childhood friend, Kita Kawatoshi, and the priest he usually takes care of.

The man who took Yogo also started to take action against Shana.
And that is a letter of invitation to endless lust


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