【Aramyo Kobo】A lewd word classification dictionary for creative writing – from seeding press to dragon car sex

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Title:A lewd word classification dictionary for creative writing – from seeding press to dragon car sex
Maker:Aramyo Kobo
Release date:2021/06/20

Over 7,000 classified words.

(無料版をピクシブに投稿していますので、購入の際の指針にご利用ください。体験版よりもこちらの方が、少しボリュームも多くなっています→https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=15438028 )


This is a collection of over 7,000 lewd words and phrases related to erotic content, including male genitalia, female genitalia, semen, love juices, sex, masturbation, infidelity, cuckoldry, and all sorts of other lewd words and phrases, from the unoriginal erotic genre to the lyona and kemono genres. This is a classified dictionary, so it is not just a list of lewd words, but also a classification based on certain attributes. The current classification is as follows.

One male genitalia
Two female genitalia
Three buttocks-anus-anus
(iv) genital area
Five genital conditions
Stimulating the six genitals
Seven masturbation
Eight sex act
9 pleasure
10 sexual climax
11 semen – cowper – body fluids
12 body parts – human body
13 breasts nipples
14 urine – stool – filth
15 action – action
16 Place-Situation
17 Tools
18 Clothing – Appearance
xix Person-Character
20 man
21 woman
22 Homosexuality – Sexual Minorities
23Kemono – non-human
24 Psychological states
25 Physical state
26 Modified expressions
27 onomatopoeia – mimetic expressions – sounds
28 SM play
29 Fetishes – Special Sexual Habits
30 personal pronouns
31 filler interjections
Thirty-two shouters-sensitive verbs

これら計三十二の分類はさらに細かな属性による分類がなされいて、例えば「One male genitalia」には、ただ「ちんこ」や「陰茎」と言った一般的な名詞だけでなく、「肉棒」などの比喩表現や「根太の」などの形状表現も記載しています。また「Five genital conditions」は平常時・興奮時・絶頂前後・関連語彙の四つの属性によって分類されています。このように淫語やエロ語句が特定の意味によって分類されることで類語が確かめられるばかりか、創作の新たな発想の助けにもなるでしょう。試しに全文検索でお好みのワードを検索して、どのような語彙と共に記載されているかを眺めるだけでも十分ためになるはずです。ちなみに、本辞典は既存の創作物を超える新たな創作物の創出をも可能にするため、私がまだエロジャンルでは見たこともない単語や語句も入れてあります。例えば「16 Place-Situation」にはSFジャンルでよく見る「ディストピア」や「スペースオペラ」などを記載しているように。

In addition, this dictionary comes with not only a classification table that categorizes the vocabulary as shown in the sample, but also a set of Excel files in a normal dictionary format. In the Excel file, there are explanations and furigana for lewd words and expressions that are not in the dictionary. This can be useful when you are not sure whether to use kanji or hiragana when searching the full text. The Excel file format is long, so it is more than 180 pages of information in A4 size, written horizontally. The additional information is about 20,000 characters.


Please read the following notes before purchasing.
I. Be sure to read through the attached [Before Use txt] before use.
Never make any part or all of this work available to an unspecified number of people.
If you have used this work as a reference in your creative work, please mention it in the work information if possible.
I. This is a classified dictionary, so there are multiple entries for the same specific word or phrase. There are not that many, but if you think this is a bunch of crap, please consider your purchase carefully.
I. Some discriminatory expressions are included. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
If you find any inaccuracies or missing words or expressions in this work, please contact me at this email address (messem at akatansakuratancom).
I. Although the frequency and timing are yet to be determined, we may replace the product data with a [revised] file after updating the content if we find some inadequacies or new words that should be included. This information will be posted at the top of the text, so it will be easier for purchasers to notice if they visit this page periodically.
We do not participate in DLsite’s discount campaigns, nor do we voluntarily raise or lower our prices. We do not participate in DLsite’s discount campaigns, and we do not voluntarily raise or lower our prices. Therefore, please be assured that the [Update] button above will remain unchanged.

The smartphone version contains only the [PDF of the glossary].


同人誌、同人ゲーム、同人ソフトのダウンロードショップ - DLsite
同人誌、同人ゲーム、同人ソフトのダウンロードショップ - DLsite