【Yodo Sumiyoshi】[28 new illustrations!] Ginandromorphs – Sisters Setting Documents Collection 2021/4 & 2021/5

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Title:[28 new illustrations!] Ginandromorphs – Sisters Setting Documents Collection 2021/4 & 2021/5
Maker:Yodo Sumiyoshi
Release date:2021/05/05
Genre:robot/android, celebrity/idol/model, beast/beastie, comedy, ScienceFiction, Fantasy, Yuri, Fistfuck
We’ve got a lot more than 28 new illustrations! The “Season 38" unreleased illustrations and “Season 39" initial setting book are here☆☆.
gyss0452 [28 new illustrations! Gynandromorph Sisters Setting Documents Collection 2021/4 & 2021/5
<ヒロカワミズキの看板娘『ジナンドロモーフ・シスターズ』 シーズン39 “GYNASIS:NEXUS” >
Here you go! Signature girl content “Ginandromorph Sisters" April 2021 “GYNASIS:DEEP" and May 2021 “GYNASIS:NEXUS".
The all-new setting material book is here!
Season 38 of “GYNASIS: DEEP," a return to basics, and
More than 20 never-before-seen and newly-drawn illustrations from the breakthrough Season 39 “Genasis: Nexus" are included in this book!
It’s a collection of the latest setting materials that’s so dense with Genasys that it’s almost suffocating you to death.
~A collection of never-before-seen illustrations from season 38 of “Genasis: Deep".
A return to the roots of the season theme, focusing on the main character, Yodo, and his friends.
The king of Gyranbites, Armagetia, tries to take Yodo and the Chaos Core and resurrect them.
Yodo and Koruri become the Dimensional Divine Princess Rurikujaku and fight him off. However, his may resurface again.
The core dragon that Armageddon was after, the one with the 'green’ element and whose initials start with a 'C’.
There was one other person who fit the bill…
~Characters and important events
Sin-eating buds, Chaos Wyvern Hazard (last boss)
In order to train the “other chosen girl", the seventh girl, Matsuri-chan, and Chimera (“C" himera).
Yodo and Chaos Core have unleashed their instincts as Gurambito, and they are out of control.
It’s also a great way to get to know the people you’re working with.
The destruction of the divine firearm Animatagi (key event)
Tsukiko destroys her husband’s legendary hunting rifle, which she cherished so much, into pieces with her hands in order to encourage her daughter, Matsuri, to grow up.
Here and now, the myth and tradition of legendary weapons that has continued since “Hoshi no Yodo-chan" has come to an end.
The redemption by “Hoshi no Matsuri-chan", the bond with his partner Chimera
The reason for the civil war between the two sisters, Yodo-chan of the Stars and Sumi-chan of the Broken Stars, was because the demon Chimi wickedly listened to Sachi-chan’s selfish request to see her dead father.
And the battle of “Ginashistron Yodo" was because Shinmyou wished for the real Yodo who had died and attracted the mimic creature, Gurambito.
Yodo and Matsuri. They are two beings with their own fates and sins.
As bosses and as protagonists. The two sisters of fate clash.
True Beast Bokimaira (bond with Chimaira, new weapon for Sachi-chan)
The story is about a young girl and her mother, who are in the midst of a violent battle with a mysterious creature.
Matsuri is a kind-hearted man who hates fighting more than anyone else and doesn’t want to hurt his partner more than anyone else. This is the story of a young man who has to deal with the consequences of his actions.
Chimera realizes that Festival is defending her, and they both wish to move on, even if it means getting hurt.
And instead of the parallel staff form of the recovery item, the chimera finally transformed into a fighting weapon for the festival, the True Beast Vukimera!
The fourth dimensional goddess, born.
After witnessing the awakening of the Chimera, the eldest daughter, Hatsu, lends a hand to her own sister’s festival.
Hatsu, being the most responsible and strongest of them all, always helped Matsuri and failed to encourage her growth.
Hatsu-chan, the strongest of the sisters, and Matsuri-chan, the weakest of the sisters. I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s a great way to get to know each other better.
The king of the sea, Titan Levia, and the king of the sky, Chimera. This is the first time I’ve ever seen the two of them combine to form a true champion who controls heaven and earth, and Tsukiko wipes away her tears as her daughters grow up.
~2021/5 Season 39 “Genasys: Nexus" Startup Setting Documents ~
The theme of the season is “Bonding and Breakthrough".
With the return of the elf Kappa-Shea, Yodo-chan is able to open portals and travel through the multidimensional universe through her power!
Sumi-chan, on the other hand, combines the modified motorcycle she inherited from her mother with her sidekick Skywing, and pushes through outer space on her galactic motorcycle!
Other titles include Singularity Dolls, Elemental Shesta, Yodo-chans of the World, Maid Sisters, Mate Guard, and Genasis Fantasia.
It’s a great way to get to know the people who are involved in the game, and it’s also a great way to get to know the people who are involved in the game.
The main characters, Yodo and Sumi, set off for the galaxy!
Robots and motorcycles that haven’t appeared in a while are combined with dragons, and Sumi-chan’s buddy Elf, who was only drawn twice in ten years, including a standing drawing, has been remade and reappears!
It also includes a new yuri-chu-chu illustration of Gachi-lesu couple Nagisa-chan and Matsuri-chan! You can find a lot of people who are looking for the most out of Ginasys.
Singularity Dolls: Irma and Yumeko return to their daily lives after the battle of Ginacistron.
The two wonder if they’re really straight in the LGBTQ diverse sign girl, Ginasis, and they chub it up out of curiosity—.
I’m going to reexamine a setting that I wrote somewhere: “All four members of the Singularity Dolls are straight.
All the members of the 5 piece band appear after 9 months! Marie Gold, Akakutake, Blue Rose, Blacky, and Verdetta are all here!
Sign Girl Information Music Magazine “GYNAS’S ON! (GYNAS’S ON!!!), a music magazine with information on all the hottest girls. (Jinaon!), a special issue of “GYNAS’S ON!
A wide variety of aspects that have never been shown before will be revealed☆☆.
It’s a rock-paper-scissors game between Sumi-chan, Tsukiko-chan, and Hanako-chan for the princess Yodo-chan.
The origin of Urue, Naik, Armida, and Jehanat is mentioned in the text settings!
The attached text gives details about the aspect of their immediate family that led them to start their journey.
(Their story is a bit too heavy to be expressed in illustrations, perhaps?)
◆"Maid Sisters" 10th Anniversary “Super Sign Girl Retsuden – Ginasis;All Stars! ~This is the first time I’ve ever seen such a thing.
It’s a shocking story that reveals everything. It’s a shocking blood relationship that reveals everything.
This is the story of “the truth of that story," with an extreme spotlight on Novell-chan, who made her first appearance in “Ginashistron Yodo Novell Hen.
A story about a girl who seems to have no idea what she’s doing, but she does.
The story of a young man who has been in a relationship with a woman for a long time.
The relationship between Kandachi-san, Yo-chan, Arka and the others. It’s a story with a shocking set-up that gets to the bottom of the truth about the girls in the Korean motif.
When everything is overcome, a new goddess of the fifth dimension, “a being that is both a boy and a girl," Jigenseja Deyjangumu, awakens—!
◆"Genasis Fantasia!
This is the first time I’ve ever seen a movie with a tentacle monster. I don’t care what they say about Armageddon.
The last boss of the 10th anniversary, and its true identity is finally revealed.
The second form of the true rasboss, which appeared beyond time. The second form of the real rasboss, the vivid and psychopathic new character, Momoko-chan, a gungro gal.
~A list of the characters that have just appeared in the game.
♯250 次元海月 リュウグウカグヤ <RYUGU-KAGUYA,the Pacihic Moon> 初と祭が合体した第四の次元女神。
♯251 アスカ・アエラ <Aska Aela> (文章言及) ナイクの父。故人。
♯252 イル・アエラ <Ele Aela> (文章言及) ナイクの母。故人。
♯253 ルアー・ジェヌイン <Ruor Genuine> (文章言及) ウルウの義父。
♯254 ジンガナ・ラッハサーリ <Gingagna Rahassari> (文章言及) アルミダの母。
♯255 アルブダード・ラッハサーリ <Albudode Rahassari> (文章言及) アルミダの父。
♯256 クンヤ・ソル・ブラカ <Kunya sol Bracka> (文章言及) ジェハナットの兄。故人。
♯257 桃子 <Momoko> アルマゲーティアの中身。
♯258 マンティコア <Manticore> 桃子の相棒。
♯259 イ財閥 <Lee Financial group> (文章言及) イーグスの出生に関わる、韓国の巨大財閥企業。
♯260 次元世子 大長今 <DAE JANG-GEUM,the King Princess> グンスとヨムナが絆合体した、男でもあり女でもある第五の次元女神。
♯261 アトラ <Atla> アトラス・エンジン「セプテントリオン」の娘である、巨乳の黒人メイド。淀ちゃんいわく「セプテントリオンの性癖の塊」。
A collection of differential CGs of the signature girl.
Basic 28 pages. Total 196 pages including differences.
-Marii Gold & Black & White
Chaos – Yodo and Kappa-Shea twin head skull-fucking to see if Atlas’ prostate is more robot or dragon.
[text attached] Setting Documents Text: 2021/4&5 Edition. & Ginasys All Works – 2011/2-2021/5 List of all 452 works. The latest version is updated daily on the official website.
There is a lot of information that cannot be fully expressed in the illustrations, which is unusual for Genasis, so please enjoy it while supplementing it with this text file.
画像サイズ < 4K-UHD > 3840×2160 一部変形サイズあり。
[HP] https://itigota.x.fc2.com/
[e-mail] sgmcomplex@gmail.com
(c)Mizuki Hirokawa/Studio Jinashista!

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