【Planet Kaim】What is the difference between an angel and a demon?

[Ranking]Not ranked
Title:What is the difference between an angel and a demon?
Maker:Planet Kaim
Release date:2021/04/24
Genre:Angel/Devil, fantasy, Paizuri, MultiplePlay/Orgy, MalePenetration, Bigtits/bigtits, Bigtits/bigtits, Futa-nari

A giant two-faced angel and a demon come out of a magic mirror! A dense battle ensues…?

This is the story of a man whose hidden M sexuality is revealed and who is tormented and changed by angels and demons.

It’s a story about a man who’s not a man.


-Reverse Anal

-Squeezing doll




-10 basic CGs
-difference with SS 66p
-Diff without text 66P

Cover included – total of 133 CG


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