【Cotton Soft】The End of the World and Birthday [for Android].
Not ranked
Title:The End of the World and Birthday .
Maker:Cotton Soft
Release date:2017/05/19
Genre: ...
【Banyouka~!】OVA Pluto School Conception #1 [Please, with your semen, I want you to save us].
7 Days:#13, 30 Days:#28
Title:OVA Pluto School Conception #1 .
Release date:2017/05/26 ...
【Front Wing】Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Vol2
7 Days:#1, 30 Days:#2, Annual:#5, Total:#24
Title:Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Vol2
Maker:Front Wing
Release ...
【Front Wing】Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Vol1
7 Days:#1, 30 Days:#1, Annual:#1, Total:#16
Title:Grisaia: Phantom Trigger Vol1
Maker:Front Wing
Release ...
【Datura script/MOMOKA.(Momoka Yuzuki)】Two JK moms chumming sexually
24 Hours:#14, 7 Days:#34, 30 Days:#76
Title:Two JK moms chumming sexually
Maker:Datura script/MOMOKA.(Momoka ...
【Prussian Blue / Chiya Kurihara】Michiru no Hikari: Yuri voice that gets loved by a serious and earnest junior character
Not ranked
Title:Michiru no Hikari: Yuri voice that gets loved by a serious and earnest junior character
Make ...
【Circle *ai⌒ai* / Aiea Kyoko】All ages version [rain sound / healing / binaural] after school in the rain. [hair wipe/shoulder slap/shoulder massage].
Not ranked
Title:All ages version after school in the rain. .
Maker:Circle *ai⌒ai*/Aiea Kyoko
Release da ...
【CLOCK UP】Natsu no Chains [Android version].
Not ranked
Title:Natsu no Chains .
Release date:2017/07/00
Genre:Student, SailorSuit, ...
【Nakamura Kuzuyu】Her impatience
24 Hours:#1, 7 Days:#6, 30 Days:#22
Title:Her impatience
Maker:Nakamura Kuzuyu
Release date:2017/07/00 ...
【Pentathrust】Does work experience [procreation] count as work?
Not ranked
Title:Does work experience count as work?
Release date:2017/07/00
Genre ...