【Fuyusora Kogane/Inuzuka Ichigo】The sister who can’t help but want to care for her brother

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Title:The sister who can’t help but want to care for her brother
Maker:Fuyusora Kogane/Inuzuka Ichigo
Release date:2019/11/23
Genre:Binaural/Damihe, ASMR, Earwax, DailyLife

One day, it was getting cold and winter was in full swing.
The older sister, who is eager to take care of you, her younger brother, has come home to your parents.

It’s a good idea to have a good friend or family member who can help you out.
Enjoy a slightly lively day spent with my sister.

[Track Included]

01-Sister’s Request (05:55)
This is the story of an older sister who comes home and asks a favor of her younger brother, you.

02-Sister’s Ear Scratching (09:33)
In this episode, a young man is asked to do something for his brother.
What is the recovery method?

03-Sister’s ear scratching (left) (08:50)
This was a change from the ear scraping of the right ear, which was a normal ear scraping with casual conversation.

04-Sister’s shoulder tapping and tea (21:56)
My sister suffers from stiff shoulders and is very worried about aging. We both tap each other on the shoulder as we prepare to make tea.

05-Sister’s Sleeping Together (12:43)
It’s cold in the room, so we get into the futon together to keep warm.
But I’m getting sleepier and sleepier.

06-Sister’s Sleeping Breath (07:08)
This is an audio track where you can hear my sister breathing in her sleep from the side.
This is an audio track of my sister sighing in her sleep.

Total time 01:06:05

This is a binaural audio work.
If you use earphones or headphones, you will be able to enjoy it more.


声:犬塚いちご様 http://wonwonwon15.web.fc2.com/

その他(企画、台本、イラスト、効果音等):村人n https://twitter.com/villager_262n


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