【Fuchi Neishon / Mayu Tamaki】Fetish lewd words virgin series (2)
[Ranking]Not ranked
Title:Fetish lewd words virgin series (2)
Maker:Fuchi Neishon / Mayu Tamaki
Release date:2019/06/13
Genre:Fetish, maniac/pervert, lewd/pornographic, Verbalabuse, shame/embarrassment
Nice to meet you. My name is Mayu Tamaki.
I’m nervous and a little anxious, but I’m also looking forward to it!
What I’m looking forward to is the fun of applying my voice for the first time, and I’m probably a little excited because there are so many words I’m going to say for the first time.
What I’m worried about is whether or not anyone will really shimmy… or ejaculate… at the sound of my voice.
Is there really a person who can ejaculate just by me saying a naughty word?
I’m sure you’ll be able to find a lot of people who are interested in this type of product.
Q: What is the Fecal Slut virgin series?
A It’s a series of voice actors who are complete beginners and ask them to say a lot of naughty words.
Voice: Mayu Tamaki
-The main story (about 15 minutes) -Illustration (without text, with text, full size x 1 each) -Script text
Illustration: Mr. KOKOKU
Recommended for people like you! I recommend it to everyone.
If you’re looking for the best way to get your hands on some of the most popular games on the market today, you’re in the right place.
Mayu Tamaki
Twitter( https://twitter.com/tmtm_zZ )
Ms. Kokoku
Twitter( https://twitter.com/koukoku0716 )
Pixiv( https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=48143 )
Twitter( https://twitter.com/fetination )
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