【Fluffy Panjandrum】Hold the High Prefecture -47 Prefecture Wars

[Ranking]24 Hours:#19, 7 Days:#31, 30 Days:#64
Title:Hold the High Prefecture -47 Prefecture Wars
Maker:Fluffy Panjandrum
Release date:2018/11/23
Genre:Burning, comedy, Military, Battlefield, subjugation, madness
The battle to determine the strongest prefecture in Japan is about to begin!
Will it be Tokyo with the strongest economy, Hokkaido with the strongest military, or Aichi Prefecture with the strongest industry?
The 47 prefectures have been recreated based on statistical data. It’s a great way to get to know the people of the world.
Game Overview
Choose one of the 47 prefectures and make full use of domestic politics, diplomacy, and military affairs to become the best prefecture in the world.
It’s up to you, the prefectural governor, to decide whether to disappear and be swallowed up by the waves of financial difficulties and war, or to take control of Japan!
Seriously inauthentic
At first glance, it’s a story game, but at the same time it’s an extremely serious strategy SLG.
I’m proud to say that this is one of the most elaborate strategy SLGs made by an individual in Japan.
Our commitment to the reproduction of the prefectures.
The parameters of each prefecture are set based on various statistical data.
Economic Power → Gross Prefectural Product (Cabinet Office)
Deficit ratio excluding local government bonds → Fiscal Capacity Index (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications)
Food production → Food self-sufficiency rate (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)
Power generation → Power generation by prefecture (Agency for Natural Resources and Energy), etc.
Industrial capacity → Shipments of manufactured goods, etc. (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Shipbuilding capacity → Estimated total dock size (independent survey), Current status of shipbuilding industry (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)
Oil → Location of refineries and crude oil processing capacity (Petroleum Association of Japan)
Initial Oil Reserves → Size of the National Oil Reserves (Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation)
Attractiveness → Percentage of people moving in and out (Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications), etc.
Initial Armaments → Estimated deployment of the Self-Defense Forces (Wikipedia, etc.)
Logistics facilities → Availability of SDF headquarters and supply facilities (Wikipedia, etc.)
Radar → Whether or not the SDF has radar facilities (Wikipedia, etc.)
For items for which statistics do not exist, such as shipbuilding power, I have tried to research and reproduce as much as possible.
Specifically, I look at every official page of every shipyard in Japan. If the company publishes the number and volume of docks, I pick up the figures. If there is no information available, I use satellite photos to find the docks, calculate the estimated volume based on the length and width, and add it up for each prefecture. This is repeated for 47 prefectures.
You can play in any prefecture.
As a result of the prefectural re-creation, there is a tremendous difference in the capabilities of each prefecture.
The difference in initial strength alone can be hundreds of times greater for each prefecture.
We have adopted a powerful and flexible diplomacy system and victory conditions so that any prefecture can play even under such conditions.
You can start and avoid wars, as well as
Mergers with other prefectures
Cooperate to strengthen industry
Raising funds through hometown taxation
Manipulate your opponent’s ideology to draw them to your side
Intervene in diplomatic relations between AIs to make them fight each other
Create a coup d’etat against another province with a bad internal political situation
You can enjoy a variety of tactics such as
Diplomacy is very important in this game, and in some cases you can clear the game without having to fight a single war.
Victory Conditions
The objective of this game is not limited to military conquest.
-Capital victory that turns the initial area into a megacity.
-Fiscal victory through fiscal consolidation.
-Territorial victory by expanding the territory through occupation and merger.
-Ideological victory by destroying all ideologies except your own.
-Total power victory by holding areas of high value.
Which means of holding the dominant province is suitable depends on the province.
For example, it is easy to achieve a capital victory in Tokyo, but tremendously difficult in Tottori Prefecture.
Okinawa Prefecture is hopelessly difficult to expand its territory because it is not connected by land, but it is a perfect place to stay back and try to rebuild its finances.
Hokkaido, with its huge initial military buildup, is well suited for moving south at once and grabbing a territorial victory.
It’s like that.
Examples of other areas of focus
-Unique text for each prefecture (282 patterns)
-Fiscal management system using local bonds, tax rates, and military service system
-Ideologies that have a significant impact on special skills and foreign relations
-Air warfare based on radar to detect the number of enemies and fly interceptors
-Naval warfare that provides a sea blockade and diplomatic influence
-AIs that don’t cheat much, if at all
-Fast-paced game play
-Balance of realism and entertainment
-High replayability, with a different play experience in each province
If you are interested in this game, please visit the official page.
This is a very expensive and large game, so please try the demo version if you can to test it and see if it fits your skin.
The trial version can be played in all provinces up to the beginning of the third year. You can also transfer your saved data to the full version.
Force example: Hokkaido
Due to the former defense against the Soviet Union, the Self-Defense Forces are most heavily deployed in this region. In this game, it may have signed a non-aggression pact with Russia, allowing it to use all of its forces to move south.
At the start of the game, the SDF’s land forces are estimated to be 17 times the size of Tokyo and 290 times the size of Shimane Prefecture. It also has a powerful air force.
Of course, it also has the highest food production capacity in Japan.
On the other hand, it has the worst budget deficit in Japan. The vast northern land melts taxpayers’ money for snow removal, air conditioning, and infrastructure maintenance. It’s no wonder it’s called “the land to be tested.
It is up to the governor to take control of Japan, or be swallowed up by the budget deficit and go bankrupt.
Example of power Tokyo
The capital of Japan with a huge population and GDP. Its economic power is overwhelming, about 50 times that of Tottori Prefecture.
However, its food self-sufficiency rate is an astonishing 1%. In addition, it is dependent on other prefectures for electricity, and is unable to exert its power on its own.
In addition, the high level of attractiveness of the area attracts an influx of people from other prefectures, making the shortage of electricity even worse.
It is up to you, the governor of Tokyo, to decide whether you want to face financial ruin with food shortages and power shortages, or whether you want to show your dignity as the capital and take control of the prefecture.
Power example: Nara Prefecture
The only prefecture in Japan without a Ground Self-Defense Force garrison. It is a landlocked prefecture, so naturally it has no Maritime Self-Defense Force.
This is the only prefecture in Japan without a Ground Self-Defense Force garrison.
It has no industrial power, no military, no economy, and it has the powerful Osaka Prefecture next door.
Will the ancient city be revived? ……?
Power example: Okinawa Prefecture

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