【Cherith Software】The Renalis Saga
[Ranking]24 Hours:#1, 7 Days:#2, 30 Days:#2, Annual:#94, Total:#337
Title:The Renalis Saga
Maker:Cherith Software
Release date:2019/12/24
Genre:Moe, prostitution/enjoyment, fantasy, Creampie, Pregnancy/Impregnation, Humiliation
Renalis Saga
Price 1980 yen (including consumption tax)
[Updated to VER102 on 2020/01/24].
▼ Description
Guardian of the Elves – Second to the Lost Phantom
Elle – the third in the Titernal series
It is an original fantasy world
Set in El-Titernal, an original fantasy world.
It is an adventure RPG with a strong scenario.
More than 80 event CGs
More than 7 kinds of standing HCG
Note: Audio is only available for some parts of the game, such as battles and mini-games.
Note: There is a forced end before the last boss.
This game takes place over 1000 years before Lost Phantom.
The previous Lost Phantom and the Elven Guardians.
I hope you will play it.
We apologize for postponing the release for a year.
Thank you for your patience.
You can play the trial version until the middle of chapter 3.
The saved data can be transferred to the full version.
(Please refer to the support page on our website for how to transfer the data)
▼ Cherisoft HP
ご支援のほど、Thank you for your patience.
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