【Kamburo Pakikope】Oneshota manga compilation

[Ranking]Not ranked
Title:Oneshota manga compilation
Maker:Kamburo Pakikope
Release date:2018/01/13
Genre:Shota, realsister, brother, yoursister, Family, agedifference

This is a compilation of three original Oneshota manga that were published in paper doujinshi in the past.
This is a compilation of the three original Oneshota manga I’ve published in paper doujinshi.
The third book has a sister-sister exchange situation, so be careful if you’re not a fan.

The story is finished, but the title of the third book is not finished yet.
I have plans to continue the story, so I’m calling it [(continued)].

The third book is not finished yet.

-I’m going to continue to draw more.
-20151231 Begging my sister!
-20170813 Sister x brother squared (continued)


同人誌、同人ゲーム、同人ソフトのダウンロードショップ - DLsite
同人誌、同人ゲーム、同人ソフトのダウンロードショップ - DLsite