
【ajaib suara】My girlfriend is a little tight and cool older sister, summary version

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Title:My girlfriend is a little tight and cool older sister, summary version
Maker:ajaib suara
Release date:2017/06/00
Genre:realsister, lovelovelove, lovers, Wedded, Incest

About the summary version
This is the summary version of the [My lover is a little tight and cool sister] series.
This is a summary version of the [Lover is a little tight and cool sister] series.
The outline text and jacket illustration are included in the trial version.
Please be careful about duplicate purchases.

[My sister] has harsh and cool words for [you].
It may be cold, even to the point of feeling it, but it’s all the reverse of love.
If you want to have a good time, you need to have a good time.

This is your [older sister] who is cool and has a lot of harsh words and actions.
This is your [sister], who is also your family member and lover, and she takes care of you in spite of what you say.
In the event that you’re not sure what you’re looking for, it’s possible that you’ll be able to find it in the marketplace.

Explanation of the contents

1-Lover is a little tight and cool sister (91min)
2-Lover is a (short) older sister -Let’s lead your sister-(98min)
3 – My Lover is My Sister – Let’s Punish My Sister(95min)
4 – My Lover is My Sister – Let’s Make My Sister Angry -(78min)

Play time – about 311 minutes
File format-mp3
Attachment (extra)-Character image (PNG, JPEG 800×600)
All scripts of the series [My lover is a little tight and cool sister].

CG-Itachiya Torahatsu
Voice Actors – Natsuru Tsuzuki (1st and 2nd), Miku Sera (3rd), Kotomi Kinari (4th)
Scenario – Yohkoh
Production-ajaibu suara

「恋人はちょっときつめでクールな姉 -お姉ちゃんをリードしてみよう- (RJ090615)」
「恋人はちょっときつめでクールな姉 -お姉ちゃんにお仕置きしてみよう- (RJ096972)」
「恋人はちょっときつめでクールな姉 -お姉ちゃんに怒られてみよう-(RJ105657)」


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