
【ayato sound create】Fantasy World 8bit

[Ranking]Not ranked
Title:Fantasy World 8bit
Maker:ayato sound create
Release date:2017/05/03
Genre:dot, Elf/fairy, Fantasy

The first in a series of copyright-free 8-bit sound collections, featuring Fantasy World 8-bit.

This work is a self-cover of the music in Free BGM Pack vol,2 RPG [Fantasy world].

This is a self-cover of 2 jingles and 20 BGMs from Fantasy world.
This is a new rearrangement of the songs from the Fantasy world collection, with a tone that evokes the good old dot-art era of RPGs.
Please check the sample images for more information about the songs.

If you have Fantasy World, or even if you don’t, please take a listen to the retro 8bit sound.

The music is in wav, mp3, ogg, loop, and ogg formats.

Please check the loopogg format in the trial version to see if it will play in your production environment.
Please note that loop ogg does not include jingles.

This work has duplicated contents with [Copyright Free BGM Collection vol2 BGM Collection for Fantasy RPG [FANTASY WORLD](RJ171236)].


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