【Moon God illustrated book】Big tits fantasy illustrated book 2

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Title:Big tits fantasy illustrated book 2
Maker:Moon God illustrated book
Release date:2015/03/26
Genre:Paizuri, humiliation

Tifa, Yuffie, and Aerith are imprisoned by the soldiers of the Divine Demon Luo Company and played by their enemies.
With no help from Tebranch (an anti-God Mara organization), Tifa is breastfed and milked as a side effect of an aphrodisiac potion.
Aphrodisiac potions turn beautiful women into sex slaves, despite their feelings of resistance.

There are 13 basic CGs and a total of 78 CGs including differences. In addition, there are two patterns, one with dialogue and one without, for a total of 156 images.
Size is 1200×1600, JPEG format.


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