【Peer Influence / Haru Koyama】Attachment Formation and Good Praise Voice

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Title:Attachment Formation and Good Praise Voice
Maker:Peer Influence / Haru Koyama
Release date:2020/05/15
Genre:healing, maniac/pervert, Binaural/Damihe, ASMR, Girl, Love/Love/Amaaaa, Lovers, purelove

This is a full binaural audio source that is often praised and nurtured.

Contains [compliments I love you cool (kisses) words of reassurance I love you (kisses) words of love
Let’s pay tribute to Hibinoro!

Approximate volume: win10 computer 36, media player 100 (adjusted to a lower volume)

Audio data list
Main story
Main story通し wave(+mp3) 計1:31:40 Main storyひとくぎり wave 計1408個 計1:57:53

1 compliment only 17:42 377 pieces
2Love it all 1 7:09 148
3Loves 2 6:28 83
4Loves 3 5:52 83 pieces
5Loves 4 5:49 94 pieces
6 loves 5 5:25 26 pieces
7 cool and kissing 12:21 43 pieces
8cool and only 5:34 138
9 Reassuring Only 14:33 218 + 2 extras
10I love you and love words 5:57 99 pieces
11I love you and kisses 4:45 15
51 extras

Main storyex 作業用大好き wave(+mp3) 計44:08
ex I love to work 1 6:59
ex I love to work 2 6:09
ex I love to work 3 9:20
ex I love to work 4 7:34
ex I love to work 5 7:10
ex I love to work 6 6:55

Extra (realistic concentration) wave total 46:33
↓ Spoiler protection
1 extra 1
2 extra 2
3 extra 3
4 extra 4
5 extra 5
6 extra 6
7 extra 7

Main story(通し+ex ひとくぎりずつ)wave 2:15:48 (1:57:53)
Main story(データ軽い)mp3 2:15:48
Audio extras wave 46:33

wave = emphasis on sound quality Full binaural sound source (emphasis on left and right in front)
mp3 = light data (thinner binaural)
Main story2時間15分48秒(×2)+1時間57分48秒+おまけ46分33秒
Total time 4 hours 58 minutes 9 seconds

Other content data
Illustration data for packages (rough to dressed, banners, packages, etc.)
Entire script
Introduction Text data such as table of contents

Praise, praise, praise! They grow up well with lots of praise! 100 percent voice with praise, affection and kisses
Praise until you’re ready. Muggy listening antidepressants with plenty of pampering and kisses all the time.
CV: Haru Koyama Total play time: 4 hours 58 minutes

Praise is an expression of acknowledgement to those you care about

Voice actor: Haru Koyama

Illustration by Funa


Extra list
This is a light mp3 (wave is mainly left and right of the front) with little left and right swinging so that people who don’t like binaural can listen to it.
:Main storyから抜粋したデータ(おまけトラック計1408+7つ)
Package illustration (300×300 560×420 1680×1260 etc.)
How to make an illustration (rough, coloring, no background, no text)
:この音声のEntire script()や補足分抜きで20520文字
I’ve prepared various patterns for binaural sound sources, so you can choose the one you like best for your situation.


同人誌、同人ゲーム、同人ソフトのダウンロードショップ - DLsite
同人誌、同人ゲーム、同人ソフトのダウンロードショップ - DLsite